Here’s How the U.S. Can Take Back the Lead in Nutrition Research
In June, at the #NutritionLiveOnline2020 event hosted by the American Society for Nutrition, the Federal Nutrition Research Advisory Group and others discussed ways to strengthen federal nutrition research, including new cross-governmental coordination and ways to boost spending overall. The result of all this was a white paper that was just released.
Locusts, Plagues and a Plan of Biblical Proportions
Locusts are capable of decimating crops and laying waste to millions of acres. But are they also the answer to food insecurity?
Microsoft is Coming for Agriculture. Is That a Good Thing?
by Tim Sprinkle
Here’s a headline I didn’t expect to see: “Microsoft Bringing AI to Ag.” From the author of that...
Engineering Proteins for Use in … Everything
The 20th century was the age of chemistry. From the invention of chromatography in 1903, to the...
4 Banks With Top-Notch Social Media Strategies
When it comes to social media, too many banks are on the outside looking in — or at least only cautiously involved. Heavy regulations and compliance constraints keep a majority of banks acting like wallflowers at the school dance — too nervous to jump in.
Are We Really Ready for Genetic Testing?
by Tim Sprinkle
There’s a lot we still don’t know about the power of genetic testing. For one thing, it’s becoming...